
Requête traitée remplacer les liens vers Baudouin Ier de Belgique par des liens vers Baudouin de Belgique


Demande du 31 août 2007

Demande effectuée par :
Ben2 31 août 2007 à 12:46 (CEST)

Nature de la demande :
remplacement de plus de 120 liens dirigés une page de redirection, vers le titre correct de l'article (nom de règne officiel ([1], Baudouin de Belgique sans numérotation) - merci - Ben2 31 août 2007 à 12:46 (CEST)

 En cours, Alecs.bot (d · c) dressé par Alecs.y (d) travaille. 31 août 2007 à 13:40 (CEST)
 Terminé, Alecs.bot (d · c) dressé par Alecs.y (d) a terminé son travail. 1 septembre 2007 à 08:37 (CEST)

AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
  • 31/08/2007 13:42:21: 1930
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
  • 31/08/2007 20:49:06: 1950
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
  • 31/08/2007 20:49:24: 1951
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix syntax
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
  • 31/08/2007 13:42:52: 1955
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix syntax
  • 31/08/2007 13:43:14: 1959
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix syntax
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fixed links
  • 31/08/2007 20:49:58: 1993
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix syntax
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix images
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fixed links
AWB: Fix images
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fixed links
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix syntax
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fixed links
AWB: Fix syntax
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
  • 31/08/2007 13:51:09: Moba
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
  • 31/08/2007 21:05:21: Patro
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fix categories
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Fixed links
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Find and replace applied
AWB: Format sticky links
AWB: Sort meta data